2024 was a year of big changes: I started a new job, moved into my first real apartment, and was maid of honor in my first adult wedding. I’m still teaching middle school, but at a new school and teaching Language Arts. I’m absolutely loving working with these kids and can’t wait to finish the year. I also taught two workshops with Denver Writes. I’ve got at least one more planned for 2025, so stay tuned if you’ve got a tween/teen writer in the Denver area! In theater, I directed my last show at my previous school. I also have been involved in a lotRead More →

In comparison to 2022, 2023 felt like less of an accomplishment. There was no college graduation, no cross-country move, no new job. But, all that said, it was a year of growth nonetheless. On the personal front, I got to attend the Eras Tour (first concert without my parents, which I’ve been told is what truly counts as your first concert—so long claiming High School Musical in Concert as mine!), earned almost 15,000 flight miles traveling between Denver and my friends and family on the East Coast, and celebrated my one-year anniversary in adult ballet. I started teaching creative writing, which has been so incrediblyRead More →

Olivia stands in the Bates College Library and reads her thesis acknowledgements from the bound book.

2022 was a year of such growth for me. I accomplished many professional and personal goals. As I look to 2023, I want to celebrate this year’s wins in preparation for the journey next year will take me on. Personally, I graduated magna cum laude from Bates College in May. After spending the summer working for The Telling Room in Portland, ME, I drove across the country to Denver to begin teaching middle school theater. Moving out has been quite the learning curve. I started putting all those Pinterest pins to good use and have become a very messy cook and baker. It’s been especiallyRead More →