2024 was a year of big changes: I started a new job, moved into my first real apartment, and was maid of honor in my first adult wedding. I’m still teaching middle school, but at a new school and teaching Language Arts. I’m absolutely loving working with these kids and can’t wait to finish the year. I also taught two workshops with Denver Writes. I’ve got at least one more planned for 2025, so stay tuned if you’ve got a tween/teen writer in the Denver area! In theater, I directed my last show at my previous school. I also have been involved in a lotRead More →

Before Hurt, there was In-Betweener. Craig Selbrede, co-creator of Hurt, initially envisioned In-Betweener as a sci-fi look at who we all want to be. Olivia offered feedback on scripts as Selbrede worked to develop the format. When he decided to shoot the pilot, she stepped in to play “The Void,” a seemingly-helpful figure with an agenda of their own. While the rest of In-Betweener was put on the backburner, Selbrede took some of those same themes and applied them to Hurt, which he co-created with Liam Gilbey. Olivia joined the writers’ room for the second season. The first season is available to watch on YouTubeRead More →