2024 was a year of big changes: I started a new job, moved into my first real apartment, and was maid of honor in my first adult wedding. I’m still teaching middle school, but at a new school and teaching Language Arts. I’m absolutely loving working with these kids and can’t wait to finish the year. I also taught two workshops with Denver Writes. I’ve got at least one more planned for 2025, so stay tuned if you’ve got a tween/teen writer in the Denver area! In theater, I directed my last show at my previous school. I also have been involved in a lotRead More →

The third and final season of Hurt won Best Writing, International Series Narrative (English Language) at the 2024 NZ Webfest this weekend. Olivia takes the win alongside K.S. Garner and series co-creators Craig Selbrede and Liam Gilbey. She contributed two episodes this season, “Death By A Thousand Cuts” and “The Loneliest Boy in the World.” While Hurt has won several awards over the years, this is its first writing win. Olivia, Selbrede, and Gilbey were nominated for their work on season two at the 2023 Baltimore Next Media Webfest. Olivia is thrilled at the news and would like to thank NZ Webfest for the recognition.Read More →

Olivia’s third episode of Hurt premiered on May 14, 2024. Directed by Ronan Guilfoyle, this season three premiere follows Stone (Craig Selbrede), Huntley (Thomas Augusto), and Griff (Chat Burst) as they experience new beginnings, all in the style of a mockumentary. You can watch the full episode on YouTube or SparkkTV now.Read More →