2024 was a year of big changes: I started a new job, moved into my first real apartment, and was maid of honor in my first adult wedding. I’m still teaching middle school, but at a new school and teaching Language Arts. I’m absolutely loving working with these kids and can’t wait to finish the year. I also taught two workshops with Denver Writes. I’ve got at least one more planned for 2025, so stay tuned if you’ve got a tween/teen writer in the Denver area! In theater, I directed my last show at my previous school. I also have been involved in a lotRead More →

In comparison to 2022, 2023 felt like less of an accomplishment. There was no college graduation, no cross-country move, no new job. But, all that said, it was a year of growth nonetheless. On the personal front, I got to attend the Eras Tour (first concert without my parents, which I’ve been told is what truly counts as your first concert—so long claiming High School Musical in Concert as mine!), earned almost 15,000 flight miles traveling between Denver and my friends and family on the East Coast, and celebrated my one-year anniversary in adult ballet. I started teaching creative writing, which has been so incrediblyRead More →

Olivia is thrilled to announce that her flash piece “actual thoughts i’ve had while emptying the lint trap (or: anxiety dream #293)” has been published in issue 2 of Electric Eccentric. Published by ACC Ink, this edition of the zine was an exclusive reward for those who donated to the forthcoming Season 2 of Hurt. The piece, which first appeared in Snaggletooth Magazine in 2022, was inspired by Olivia’s anxiety. When co-creator Craig Selbrede reached out to her about any Hurt-adjacent writing she had to share, it was a no-brainer to submit this piece for inclusion. Season 2 of the award-winning webseries will focus onRead More →

Well, it turns out Olivia made her 2022 recap post too early! In the final hours of the year, Trash to Treasure Literary Magazine accepted her poem “We Talk About Taxes Now.” The piece was published today–what a great way to ring in the new year! TTTL aims to provide a home for writers’ “trashed” work. Each piece includes an excerpt from the author about why it got kicked to the curb. Olivia shared that “I do not consider myself a poet; I’ve never been one for flowery language or expelling human emotion as clearly and cleverly as poets do. But sometimes my emotions areRead More →

Olivia is pleased to announce that her short story “Petersfield” is now published in the sixth issue of Snaggletooth, Bates College’s literary magazine. She would like to thank the editorial team for their support. It’s been a dream of hers to be published in these pages since her first-year, and she’s so excited that this piece, so deeply rooted in Maine, is able to find its home here.Read More →

Olivia is pleased to announce that her first short story, “The Snow Globe,” has been published in the tenth issue of Miniskirt Magazine. She would like to thank the editorial team for their support of her story, as well as her Advanced Fiction Workshop for all their insights, her roommate for being a wonderful reader, and LinkedIn, Kelsea Ballerini, and Taylor Swift for providing the inspiration. You can read the story–and those by the other lovely contributors of Issue 10–here.Read More →